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Submit your own photo and get featured!


Send photos to Miranda Barnes at:

or via Instagram DM:


Or, just send a message:

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Please read before submitting:

This website is moderated. All photo submi-ssions are not guaranteed to be featured on this website. While I will enjoy any audience res- ponse, I cannot promise every submisssion will be featured. Additionally, text submissions may be slightly edited for clarity.

In accordance with the Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), The True Face of Teenage Beauty does not seek personal infor-mation of children under 13. If a child under age 13 chooses to submit aything or otherwise participate on this website, he or she must do so via a parent or with written parental consent. Submissions from children under 13 without parental consent will be deleted. Additionally, this project is exculsively made for teens, so any photo submissions from those who are not teenagers are extremely unlikely to be consid- ered to be featured, parental consent or not.

Want to submit something but don't know what to say?

Here are some optional guiding questions to help get you started:

  • What's your name and age?

  • How do you describe yourself?

  • What do you like/are interested in?

  • How do you feel about teenage beauty and self-esteem?

  • Almost every teenager you see in TV and movies is played by an adult. Do you feel this has an effect on you? What is that effect?

  • If you are comfortable sharing, what makes you self-conscious? Why do you feel that way?

  • Do you think any outside influence has made you more self-conscious? If so, how?

All website content including all photographs on all pages © 2024 by Miranda Barnes, all rights reserved (unless otherwise noted). They are not to be reblogged, downloaded, or used in any way for personal or commercial purposes.

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